Sunday, January 11, 2009

sinking sand

"On Christ this solid rock I stand,
All other ground is sinking sand,
all other ground is sinking sand"

Wouldn't it be great if that was truly the truth? That verse rolled through my head the other day, and i laughed. How horrible, I know. I feel into the sinking sand this last week though - I saw the rock, and I turned away.

It's more like on Christ this solid rock - I have planted my foot. Not in the middle though, where it is totally secure, no of course not. It's more on the edge- closest to the sinking sand. So for a while it was how close can I get to the sinking sand without actually being in the sinking sand. Once I got there, I just dipped my hand in the sinking sand; but only for a little while.
But last week, last week was something special. Last week was, on this solid rock there is my foot, but only my foot. THe rest of me was trying to take a swim in this sinking sand. For an entire day I laid in the sinking sand with a foot on the rock. And for the entire next day I just laid between the rock and the sinking sand straining to find the energy to pull myself back up. Then I finally did.

A couple of my friends really helped out by speaking truths to me - many hard ones that i didn't want to hear- but truths nonetheless. As I began to come back to myself, I started to think about the danger of living on the edge; of being able to be on the rock but still see the sinking sand - to feel it's coolness and it's power of sucking. The best way to avoid the sinking sand is to be in the middle of the rock; or, to let the rock be my center.
I mean seriously, adam and eve lived in the perfect world with nothing wrong, not pornography, no drugs, no nothing. Then one day, this one serpent comes along and throws them off kilter. They didn't even know that life could be any other way. THen there is the world today - with everything wrong, so many paths. Temptation is around every corner, earhtly life is possible without God. So, if Adam and Eve were with GOd every day even though they weren't daily tempted - why in the world do I think that I can make it, in a world saturated with temptation if I am not daily seeking out God?? I can't, no one can! If anything, I need to be in it more than once daily. reading chunks of it at a time. Taking seperate time to meditate. But, no longer can it just be some other part of my day. It needs to BE MY DAY!

1 comment:

Sonya said...

I like this post :) It's kind of funny to visualize, but very truthful.