Monday, May 4, 2009

God just knew

It’s the small things. God knew what I needed.
Three ladies around a table. A conservative biology germ-aphobe. An engaged mathmetician. A double major “mom” to 7. What in the world could we possibly have in common? But they share 12 years of friendship that bears no end.
The last few weeks have been rough at work. Despite being surrounded by 7 kids all the time and I work with 2 other adults - sometimes, I still feel alone. The long nights at work, the early mornings to give medicines and the paperwork inbetween makes it hard to breathe let alone spend time with God. I try, I try so stinking hard but some days it just feels impossible.
I was going to go spend the night at a guy's house on my days off. I knew that if I went, we would watch some movies, we could cuddle and I could feel affection but i also knew what it would most likely led to. I was excited at the thrill but I was also disgusted that I had this craving for attention cuz this is a circle I keep traveling in. My friend worked til 6pm and I was thinking about takin' the drive out there nonetheless.
I was trying to nap and my phone rang, it was Kristi - reminding me that we had a lunch date - me, kristi & staci. We went to a nice lil tavern and just sat and talked. Then we went and had coffee & dessert at this nice lil coffee shop. We had the most awesome conversations. We were able to talk about God, and Staci's wedding coming up, and the family and the struggles we face. We started to share our dreams and what we want to do in life. I felt so revealed and energized. Beneath the surface we are 3 women who are passionate about life and who want to make a difference in the world and that long to be committed to God (even if I struggle a lot).
We were talking about relationships and I mentioned going b/w wanting to be married right now and not wanting a man to get in the way of my life. Staci wonderfully reminded me of what I secretly knew but didn't want to admit - that the right guy is the one who won't interfere with my dreams. I swear those were the most comforting words I've heard.
Then we decided to watch August Rush together - an amazing stinkin' movie.
All that to say, that God knew exactly what I needed today. My female friends are far and few between. My Christian friends are far and few between. God knew that I needed the reminder, that I needed to feel special today.
I love those two - we have such a special friendship. All the way back to 7th grade when we met because Kristi thought my name was Dennis. We hardly ever hung out with the same people, we were never in the same activities, or into the same sports. We have gone months without talking just cuz life got crazy BUT I know, without a doubt that they will always be there. And I think they know that I am always there for them - the best that I can be. I have learned so much from them and I am so thankful to have them in my life.
It's always nice to feel God's awesomeness, even in the small ways!!

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