Saturday, January 28, 2012

I Know it Means Something

I know that not every dream means something; but I do believe they can. For me, I know that I wake feeling a little bit different, I remember the dream a little different, and details are more clear after I have a dream with a message. In the last few weeks I have had 2 dreams that are meant to tell me something. I sense the generalities, the warnings and the concepts that are portrayed to me, but I am having one heck of a time pinpointing any specifics. So, I thought I would share them.

The first one: I was at a house on ocean (though it looked more like a lake) front property. I was out swimming, fairly far out but not like in the middle of the lake- I was close enough to yell to the people on shore but probably far enough away from them to actually know what was going on type of thing. There was also someone else out in the water with me but initially they were a distance away from me. Anyway, I saw the fins of different types of fish on the water. The water was dark (like I said it was more like a lake) and the fins were black. I was convinced (and was logical in the dream) that these were large angel fish and that I was going to enjoy swimming with them. Well, as they started to swim closer, I realized that they were not angel fish; rather they were sharks! The majority of the sharks swam past me but one decided that I looked like a delicious treat and he began to nibble on my leg. That’s really all I remember. I don’t remember if I yelled for help, if the other person in the water was by me, or what happened once I got back to the shore. All I know is that it just took a couple nibbles but didn’t kill me.

Number 2: I was back in high school and part of some band (marching or concert) and we had driven in large busses with all our equipment from our school to another location. (side note: I am not sure why this is such a common time period and activity that occurs in my dreams). I had a handful of equipment and was walking it through the school. As I was walking there was place where we had to walk out of the school and then back in. During this path there was a small stream (I can’t remember if there was ice frozen around it- I think there was) Anyway, on either side of the stream were also goats (why wouldn’t there be at a school). With the equipment in my hands, I had to walk across this unsteady ground while pushing goats out of my way. Not sure what was on the other side of the path because half way through the really short path I switched to another scene. I was standing on a ledge, inside a building. (I don’t remember if I was trying to pass things through a window, clean, get through the window and out of the room- for some reason the last one seems to ring a bell). As I was standing on the ledge there was a black pig in the room (again why not?) who was standing on his hind legs and trying to knock me off the ledge with his front legs. The pig was trying to bite at my feet and scratch with claws that I couldn’t see but were leaving scratch marks on my bare feet.

So, just thought I would share those and see if anyone gets some insight :-)

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