Friday, January 27, 2012

it's like that dream

A few weeks ago I had a strange dream: which for me is not all that unusual, in fact it is common. However, what was unusual about this dream was the direct real life application of it.

The dream began and I was a student, I believe, at a facility like Mooseheart and we were in a cafeteria type setting. I am not sure what it was that had me so upset, in my dream, but I was at my wits end. I started to run away from my ‘teachers’ and I was evading their attempts to tackle me. They were starting to close in on me so I jumped on the tables; destroying and scattering everything. After I jumped around on the tables and scattered everything on them, I jumped off the table and let them catch me. They wanted to cart me away to another room to talk to me. I felt bad that the other people who had to clean up the mess so I asked if I could help and then go away to the other room. My teacher allowed me to help clean up. Just as I was finishing the cleaning my friend Bekah came up to me and hugged me. I just started to cry. She asked me why I did it and I told her that I was just so tired, fed up, and had to get my frustrations out. Then she asked me if I felt better and I said that I did. I then told her “watch me, I’m going to go and suck up now”. I proceeded to go “check in” with the man that wanted to take me to another room. He began to talk to me but he was mumbling, walking away and not making sense.

I woke up and thought ‘crap, how often life is like that’. We get upset or annoyed, freak out, and create a mess that is going to take the help of other to clean up. As we clean up and even start to walk away, often we still aren’t even sure where it is that we are supposed to be headed. How easily we forget that one tantrum can affect so many people, that messes take a while to clean up and that we are further way from where we originally wanted to go anyway.

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