Sunday, June 24, 2012

spritual lessons

So as if summarizing the past two weeks of camp stuff was hard enough- I am going to dedicate this just to the Jesus moments that I have had; revelations that I have had, and ones that I have learned from my teammates and various people who have come to speak to us in the first two weeks. I believe the greatest trick of the devil is not to get us into some sort of evil but rather have us wasting time. That is why the devil tries so hard to get Christians to be religious. If he can sink a man’s heart into habit, he will prevent his heart from engaging God. Don Miller “Blue Like Jazz” How much heart ache is from asking people to be what they should never be? The Hebrew word for worship is the same word for worship. We are a conduit for Christ. If a vineyard doesn’t go thru a period of drought (stresses of the vineyard) the roots won’t go deeper to be able to produce the best grapes. God works thru the stressors to let our roots go deep in Him. We see God thru the lives of the people in the bible and it’s all about HIS story. True unity is truth. God/Jesus is truth. And God is love. Thus truth is love. When you focus on Jesus/Kingdom the issues in your life will work themselves out We are stamped in God’s image Jesus didn’t just die for us, he was severly beaten for us and bleed out for us AND had his Father turn his face from him ALL because he loved us; even those he knew wouldn’t accept him. Are you walking in an intellectual offense to where the glory has been departed from you? ( 1 Samuel 4:19-21) There’s an army rising up to break every chain. God, you have continually heard my groaning and continued to interpret them and intercede for me. You still thought I was worth and lovely, even when I rejected your way out, you kept coming, pursuing and returning; providing a way out each and every time! Because your love is so grand and faithful. No one else can love you like I love you Lord. I was make uniquely in your heart.

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