Sunday, June 17, 2012

You Want me to Give Up What?

As many people know about a month ago I was accepted to work at a summer camp. Everything came together and the absolute last minute. When I arrived for training, all I knew what that I would be working with teenagers in some capacity, that it was run by a church whose desire was to show God's love and shift the spiritual atmosphere in youth's lives, and that I believed in the mission statement of the organization at large (fox valley christian action). I had no ideas what training was going to be, what policies were, or any other details. Soooooo, I get there and the first full day of training they tell us they have good news, they are going to let us keep our phones. My first thought was "excuse me, why wouldn't I be able to keep my phone? It's my phone". My frustration rised a bit as I continued to read through some of the policies, a form I knew I would have to sign. No alcohol, no tobacco, no non-christian music, no movies above PG and not just while on campus but off campus as well. Oh, my brain about lost it. I heard that, saw that and was like "whatever, they can't keep tabs on my when I'm home. I'm far older than any body else here, I know what I can handle. I know what stuff effects me negatively. They can't tell me what to do." Well, the next week came and they collected our phones, to help us focus, to not be distracted and to help us build community. I'll tell you that was a hard act to follow through. I mean didn't they know that there were people I NEEDED to talk to? But, I kept my thoughts to myself (a real shocker I know) and went along. As this second week went on I really began to think differently about these "policy/guidlines" that were in place. I didn't feel like I was under anyone one's thumb. I started to think about sacrifice. I remembered something from my trip last year, a little phrase that was running thorugh my head "giving up something that you love, for something that you love more." Hmm, I sure do love my phone, my wifi, my interenet, having a few drinks, heading out for hookah, listening my whatever music I want, and watching movies; they are part of my every day life. BUT, would it really kill me to give them up for 3 months? FOr three months to let go of some distraction, to give up the things I love doing for the summer so that I can be more focused on God and more focused on the youth I serve. I no longer had the rebellious attitude to come home and go out for hookah, or to go out for a drink, or to watch movies because I caught a small glimpse of the bigger picture. There are people around the world (even in this country) who give up a lot more on a daily basis. Maybe because they don't have the money for it, or because their family doesn't accept them, or because their government suppresses them. SO this summer, my desire is to (well of course, love the teens I work with and be there for them) but also to not sit around and focus on what I don't have or what I have given up for 3 months; rather, to fully invest in what God has for me this summer. It is just a small sacrifice- not like God asked me to sacrifice a beloved family memeber like He did for us. PS there will be more to come once I get my lap top and my power cord in the same place at the same time with some wifi :-) So, next weekend!!

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