Saturday, December 6, 2008

Gifts VS Fruits

I have a lot of questions, thoughts, ideas and what not floating around in my head right now. I'm not doubting, just sorting threw a lot of big/new ideas/schemas that God has placed before me. I've been going to a Bible study on Friday nights that is based out of a more charismatic church. It is just creating a desire for me to understand the Bible more for myself. And for anyone that does read what I write, I apologize if my writing is not as followable - it's a result of the multiple things going on in my mind.

When I started to look for verses on spiritual gifts I came across 1 Corinthians 12 when Paul is telling the church of Corinth that there are different gifts but they come from the same Spirit. Paul then goes on to give a list of possible spiritual gifts, and makes the analogy to a physical human body. I realize that this is not the only scripture that references spiritual gifts. When I did a search and pulled out my spiritual gifts book I was also directed towards 1Peter 4, 1 Corinthians 13-14, Ephesians 3, Ephesians 4:11 and Romans 12:6-8. It intrigues me that there is no one complete list of the gifts in the Bible. But I also noticed that when gifts are mentioned it's always with an "or". Never is it implied that everyone is to be able to do whatever list is given to them. God created us, and He knows what we will be able to best do. God gives each person a different gift, that He provides us with the power to do in order to further His Kingdom. I think my favorite verse is
Romans 12:6 "We have different gifts, according to the grace given us"! To me, that's saying that there are many different gifts, we each have different gifts, and that God equips us to use our gifts, that HE has given us!! That's like getting the toy, with all the right parts, having the directions and being told the best way to play with it :)

I know that people have debated on how many actual spiritual gifts there are, and different spiritual gifts test have varying list lengths. The book I used (which I loved) "Discovering your Spiritual Gifts" by C.Peter Wagner uses 28 gifts: prophecy, service, teaching, exhortation, giving, leadership, mercy, wisdom, knowledge, faith, healing, miracles, discerning of Spirits, Tongues, Interpreting tongues, Apostle, Helps, Administration, Evangelist, Pastor, Celibacy, Voluntary poverty, martyrdom, missionary, hospitality, intercession, deliverance and Leading worship.

The other day I was praying I was thinking about the fruits of the Spirit. I couldn't remember all of them so I looked it up Galatians 5:22-23 "But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law." And then I proceeded to think of the verses in Matthew 7 which talk about recognizing a person by their fruits. They also come up in Mark, Luke and John. Jesus said that those who bear no fruit will be cut off the vine and thrown into the fire. (John 15:2). So, if we are expressing/producing the fruit of the Spirit then we are not abiding in Jesus' vine. To me, this says that the fruits of the spirit are essential to our walk with Christ. These fruits of the spirit are what set Christians apart from the world, they are what let people know that we have Jesus. There's also no "or" this is a list in it's entirety, a list that we are all supposed to work on having. And if God is going to throw us into the fire if we are not exhibiting these characteristics (or at the very least honestly trying) it would seem pretty darn important!

*Side note* this verse also reminded me of what I've been working on doing around my house. About how to give God praise and glory with all my heart. If I practice having/doing Galatians 5:22-23 with the people I interact with, I will be bringing God praise and glory *end of side note*

I think I said ALL of that just to say this - The fruits of the Spirit is what ALL Christians are to have. But there is no one person that has ALL of the gifts ever mentioned in the Bible; nor is there one gift that ALL believers have.

*I guess there's the long round about what of how I got to my simple three line thought*


Mr. Moses said...
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Mr. Moses said...

I would have to disagree with your conclusion.

I think there are gifts that ALL believers have. Salvation. Grace. Faith. These are all gifts, and they are all spiritual gifts (not physical).

Those gifts are a little different because they are not something we do (like a skill). But I still think there are "skillful" spiritual gifts that all believers have; gifts like discernment or teaching. We are all capable of teaching, though some believers may be stronger at it, "according to the grace given us".

Sometimes we may be unaware of the gifts we have.

I also think there may be one person who has ALL the gifts ever mentioned in the Bible. Jesus. I haven't done any study on that or anything, but that would be my assumption.

Lots of good stuff in your post though, I'm just being technical.

Denise said...

I do not think that salvation or grace are spiritual gifts but they are gifts from God to us - but no one can have more salvation or more grace than another person; at least as I understand it.

If ya wanna get technical, we are all capable of doing all things ;) All things are possible through Christ Jesus who gives me strength (or something like that) lol

But I do agree that if anyone was to have all gifts it would be Jesus - I'm just not sure if he actually spoke in or interpreted things, no verses or stories come to mind about that.

Mr. Moses said...

All great points.

I think there are varying levels of God's grace. Saved is Saved, so you can't really have more salvation, but grace is different.

Luke 2:52 says "And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man." Some versions translate favour as grace. Grace can mean different things. Grace as forgiveness probably would not have different levels, because you can't be somewhat forgiven. Just like saved is saved, forgiven is forgiven.

Even the verse we referenced before talks about different levels of grace, "according to the grace given us."

My roommate pointed out that tongues and interpretation were not released until after Jesus ascended. So, He wouldn't have used those gifts, but that doesn't necessarily mean He didn't have them.

More support for Jesus have ALL spiritual gifts is that Jesus, the Holy Spirt, and the Father are all one. The Holy Spirit is what equips us with our spiritual gifts. So Jesus, being one with the Holy Spirit, would have all the gifts.