Monday, October 26, 2009

What's my Role?

I believe that people come in and out of our lives for reasons - some very specific and some more general. Sometimes it's someone that needs our help and sometimes it's someone that helps us. I also know that God sets up divine interventions among people. So after a relaxing yet chaotic weekend in Indy I'm left wondering what is my role, my purpose in my friends life?
I don't want to complain, or air dirty laundry but I do want to paint a picture. He has been one of my bestest friends for 3 -ish years. He has been through soo very much crap with me, and empowered me in all that I do. He has motivated me, been there for late night calls, provided for me, and just been an amazing man! Except - he's not Christian, and he happens to prefer men. Now, the fact that he is gay is not really the concern. The concern is that he does not know Jesus or seem to have a desire to invest in such a relationship. I understand the drama and politics that surround being gay and going to church, I understand that it can be a big taboo thing for churches still today. Let me be clear in saying that I do not believe homosexuality, or cross dressing, or gender switching is biblical, or Godly - it's a sin. Just as alcoholism, drinking, smoking, lying, cheating, gossiping, decieving, premarital sex, pronography, etc, etc, etc is a sin. But I don't want to have the "how should the church treat gays" talk - In fact I recommend a book my friend gave to me "Love is an Orientation" for people who are interesting in that.
What I'm trying to sort through is my specific role in this specific friend's life!
This weekend we went out to a gay bar, and mind you, I went willingly!!! I never once complained or sighed about it, I was kind of excited to be able to support my friend in this environment. But he had been drinking and when we got there he started to try and dance up on me. When I told him he was being obnoxious and that I wanted him to stop, he got very offended. He called me a gay hater, he mockingly said "oh, you're going to pray for them later", he said that I didn't want to be touched because I was going to church the next day. His words cut - I wanted to cry on the spot, but I didn't - in fact I did say a prayer (that I didn't punch him in his face) :)
These words hurt for several reasons - I thought he knew me better than that and like I said I went willing. I'm not a gay hater, I LOVE my friend and all of his friends (most of whom are gay). Yes I was uncomfortable but it was not because of the gay-ness going on around me - it was just b/c there were people grinding all over each other, practically having sex on the dance floor with my clothes on, and playing tonsil hockey all around me (some of them were legit guy, girl couples) I just don't want to be bumping and grinding anymore - is that really such a bad thing?? THe other reason it hurts is for a reason that most people don't know about. I have also struggled with sexual identity - not to the degree that others have but I have. I mean there was a period of time (3 or 4 years) where I refused to buy girls clothes or dress like a girl, I longed to be a guy. And when I used to watch a lot of porn I would watch mostly Lesbian porn. So here I was, in a place where it would have been totally acceptable for me to experiment and do whatever I wanted, but for once the desire wasn't there. And I rejoiced in that desire not existing but I hurt in being called such names.
THe next day rolled around, and we did not speak about it. Nothing was said about the names I was called, nothing was said about me not wanting to dance, nothing was said about the night, except that we had fun. Now, I know he remembers.
The reason this all struck me is b/c at the concert I went to LeCrae was talking about if we really love a person we will help them out - give them gum when their breath stinks, let them know when there is a booger on their face or hanging in their nose, etc...and much more with eternal matters.
So is it odd or wrong that I don't necessarily have that desire, to share the gospel with my friend? That I only feel the desire to show him Christ like love, forgiveness, and compassion?? Is that all my role is? Or is there something I"m missing God??

1 comment:

DT Boy said...

You have come a long way grasshopper. :)

I am excited to hear that the desire was not there.