Monday, November 17, 2008

Surrounded by who?

Sunday night, was a great night! I went to go visit a friend from college. He had been telling me about his church, Faith Center, for a few years and has asked me to come visit the church. I tried to get out there before I went to California but between packing, my cousin's wedding, and everything else, I wasn't able to. But, last night, I finally was able to. It was a different church experience from what I've had recently and that is what made it so amazing! For the first time I was able to hear someone interpret another person speaking in tongues. The service was great, passionate and convicting worship, music, prayers, and message.

While the service was amazing, what stuck out the most to me was what happened after the service. Joe and 5 of his friends all went out to eat. We sat at Chili's and were able to have conversation. It wasn't necessarily deep rooted theological talk reviewing the sermon piece by piece just awesome conversation with people I had just met. There where times when the conversation dabbled in spiritual matters and I was in awe at the ease this conversation occurred. It was soo comforting. On the way home I called another friend Jay, and experienced that same comfort. It was just wonderful to be surrounded by Godly, Christian people.

Since I came home from California, and especially after last night, I've been examining my friendships. While I was away, I cut a lot of fat out of my life but I am still not where I need to be. I've come to realize that my closest of friends don't go to church, some don't even believe in God. In no way do I think it's wrong to have non-Christian friends - and I believe that they are in my life for a reason. However, I think of Paul writing to the Corinthians and telling them to not be yolked with unbelievers for what place does darkness have with light. I always thought those verses were incredibly harsh. But if you've ever asked someone who doesn't hold the same views as you for advice you can see the truth in those verses even more. I mean a carrot could never give a pear advice on how to be the best pear he could be :)

I've wondered why I don't hear God's voice more clearly, what suffocates me and holds me down? And I think it has a lot to do with where I turn to for guidance, support, and advice. If I'm asking people who do not believe the same things I do for advice, of course I'm not going to hear the voice of God. Of course I'm going to ponder choices that God may never have attended for me to ponder. And, they will never understand just opening up and hearing His will for my life.

Which kinda brings me back to that verse in Hebrews....doesn't it? That idea of surrounding yourself with a great cloud of witnesses

1 comment:

Mr. Moses said...

hey, thats me! ( "a friend from college" )

Sunday night was pretty awesome, I'm glad you finally got to visit Faith Center.