Thursday, November 6, 2008

sin that so easily entangles

The day I went for a walk and the following days, one verse has continually run through my mind.
Hebrews 12:1 Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.
As that verse came to mind, so did many conversation about it - some with Jasper, some with Patrick and Angie, and VBS 2007. I began to wonder if there were other times in the NT that Paul used the words "hinder" or "entangle" so I went to and began to do some searching of definitions.

When using the NAS version the word is no longer hinder but encumbrance and Hebrews 12:1 is the only time this word is used. It was defined as 1. Whatever is prominent, protuberance, bulk, mass - hence a burden, weight, encumbrance. So Paul is saying to throw off anything that is causing a burden, anything we are saturated with that is weighing us down. ANd the phrase easily entangles is also only used once in the NT and is defined as Skillfully surrounding. So, all of this I could have found out if I had just read the amplified version of the bible instead of looking up Greek root words and definitions.

Then the thinking began - how many things are in my life that are unnecessary weight? That I feel like I need to attend to that are really only slowing me down. Or, how many people and friendships are like an unnecessary weight? I thought about the wasted time, pseudo "addictions", feeling the need to please people, or gain the approval of family. I thought about all the crap that I accumulate in my room that cluters my living space and causes tension which then turns into an attitude. How about the things I do instead of developing deep, meaningful friendships?

The next part of the verse that talks about the sin that so easily entagles is always a kicker. To just be able to get rid of the bad things that I do, the things that displease God...just like putting off the old self, and putting off filthy language and all that other stuff.

For the most part, I think that Paul was talking about things (idols, money) or thought processes. And often times the things that hinder us to cause us to sin. But then it hit me, the reason this verse popped into my head was because I was thinking about my family. ANd the question I've been pondering is - Is my family a hindrance? Well the answer to that question is a yes! BUT, are they a hindrance that needs to be put aside? While I can't find it at the moment, I know there are verses in the gospels when Jesus talks about denying your biological family when being adopted into his Kingdom. But, after 4 years I haven't been able to truly figure that out.

I understand what Paul is saying and it's easier for me to think about putting off things like drinking, porn, smoking, sex, loving money (especially cuz I'm broke), false idols and things of those nature. But what about relationships? Some relationships do bring about more sin than others - but how much of that sin is control? Because in essence I choose my sin, usually no one is making me sin. So is there a line? A line of needing to work through a sin issue instead of simply "throwing it off"?

At this point in my life it is difficult to place space b/w my family and I especially since they are my financial support. But I'm sure there is something that I still need to do - stop seeking their approval, stop hoping they will understand, or stop expecting them to bail me out.

The next few days I will be praying through such matters because it really is bringing me down to be at "home".

1 comment:

Linda said...

Hi, Denise!
I'm so glad you're going to be blogging, because God is certainly using you and teaching you. I have always loved visualizing Hebrews 12:1, both with the "ancient" witnesses listed in Hebrews, but also in thinking of the witnesses who have impacted my life in relationships. You're right -- the difficult part is the second half of the passage; realizing and being able to "throw off" those encumbrances. Let me challenge you though, to think of your family not as an encumbrance holding you back but as a channel through which God trains, teaches, provides, challenges and even blesses...