Monday, November 2, 2009

Does it really matter??

So, the other day got me thinking about how easily we can get caught up on small matters in the Christian realm - at least I think it's a small matter. Halloween. One day out of the year. I felt some disappointment from people that I dressed up and took my children trick or treating, but I ask, does it really matter??

I totally understand that Halloween is full of some very intentional darkness but not all of halloween is that way. What if I dressed my children up and had a costume party next week? Would it be more acceptable?? I know that Halloween originated from people (scadanavians maybe) who thought it was necessary to wear masks to keep the evil spirits away between the spring and the fall season. But is that really why we celebrate it today?? I don't think that's why most people "celebrate" Halloween. Most people just enjoy dressing up and getting free candy. Not to mention that the celebration of Christmas also originated around a pagan holiday - it was a celebration to a sun God. So does that mean that Christians should not celebrate Christmas too?? After all, December 25th is not even the actual date of Jesus' birth - but that's a whole 'nother can of ugly worms.

For me, it comes down to a heart issue for each and every person. If you are worshiping the holiday or are so consumed by trick or treating that you have pushed God out, then you should not participate. In the same way that if you are so consumed in the quantity of gifts you give or receive at Christmas then maybe you need to reconsider how you celebrate that holiday. Saying that Christians should not celebrate Halloween, to me, is like saying that Christians should never watch R movies, or they should ONLY listen to Christian music.

I find it interesting that we, as humans, seem to place more restrictions on ourselves and our lives that what God intended. I think all that does matter is that we "Love God with all our heart and mind and soul, and love our neighbors". So, to me, if there's something in life that is affecting your ability to do that, then it should matter: but otherwise, it seems like people are just splitting hairs.

All that being said, I don't particularly care for Halloween. It's rather pointless and I think it's a child's holiday. But it was great to see my children's faces as they received candy!!

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