Thursday, November 12, 2009

How big is that solid rock?

On Christ this solid rock I stand, all other ground is sinking sand.
Today, I asked myself, just how big is this solid rock? And I got this feeling that it's not very big - not today.

Ya know when you are packing for a trip, or trying to arrange a room of furniture, and you look at all you have, and the space you assume that it won't fit? That there's not enough room - even when in reality, there's plenty of room? When you look at something through small lenses when they should be looked at with a magnifying glass?? I always think that there's not enough of something (especially food) or that there's not enough room for what I have. But usually, when all is said and done, there was plenty and often more than what was needed.

So, how often do I do that to God? I say that I want to trust Him, I present this huge plans and then when things begin to fall into place, I get nervous. Dear God - there can't be enough room - what was I thinking?? I know that you are my rock, but this rock is clearly not big enough for me to stand on. I'm going to fall into that sinking sand. I'll just save myself all the trials and just go into the sand right now, Lord, and we'll go from there.

Ugh, how wrong in my thoughts. God says, there's enough. God knows what's best. And there is ALWAYS room on the solid rock!! I think the question is, will we let there be room? God has me in His hands, probably more than I've let Him in a long time!! But when I let the waves of doubt, and frustration, and confusion in - the sinking sand will swallow up as much of MY solid rock as I let it!! God promised us a solid rock to stand on, to stand firm on - if we choose to. He did not promise that the sinking sand would go away.

But, the more that I can whole heatedly trust in Him, the larger my rock will be, the steadier it will be, the more room I will have to walk. THe more I give up and give to God, the stronger He will be in my life.

Jesus, please help me to let it go. There is nothing I can do to change the way work is panning out. Lord, remove these evil dreams at night from my mind. God, help me to trust that YOU are so TOTALLY there!! That I do not need to worry and doubt. Lord, may I rest in your hands and in your peace. Times are going ot be hard - Lord, be with the children, and help us all as we transition through this. Jesus, I want to cry but help me to find the joy and the peace that will come. Lord, you have created me, just as I am. May I rest in that, and lean on you. God, may you have the glory and may it be about you! Lord, please, help me to focus on you, your light, and your truth. In Jesus name! Amen!

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