Monday, November 9, 2009

What is family?

I know the big question was always, who is my neighbor? But ya know, I've got that question down - really we're all neighbors. But really, what is family??
In recent months, this question has been bopping around my brain. It seems illogical to me, that just because i share DNA with someone that I should automatically love them and go the extra mile, just because we have a blood relation.
Traditionally, anyways, isn't family the people that you are supposed to be closest to? The ones that you turn to for advice, that help guide you on your journey, that you've developed a relationship with?? Like when families had to work together for survival, they needed to work together, and turn to each other - often for time of survival. They needed each other and out of that need, I believe, they developed strong ties to each other. Having that common ground to work towards provided a foundation for them to build upon.
So what about now? Family has lost it's sense of importance. I have a family based on my blood relations, but where's the emotional ties?? The common ground, for many has dissipated. Where do we turn to for our support? Where do parents send their children with their questions??
I can't help but look at my family, I love them, some of them I love dearly. Many of them I do not like what they do. Most of the time we don't communicate. We get together for family parties, and hug and put on these fake smiles, and then the backstabbing emotional turmoil comes out - and the beer just keeps coming. Both sets of my grandparents are incredibly knowledgeable, and I love listening to their stories and spending time with them. But, for most of my family, I would not turn to them for advice. I do not particularly value their opinions. However, they are my family- biologically anyways. Lately, though, it seems that my biological family are like connections, networks to maintain - in case something comes up in the future. Or, financial connections to help me out in times of need or want - but lately, I've struggled to view my biological family relationally, as people I deeply love and care for. I feel little emotional ties to them, sure if they die, I will be upset. Is that so wrong? It's not even like they've wronged me, it's just not there.
On the other hand, the people I turn to for advice I am not biologically related to. We share none of the same DNA yet they are the first ones that I call when a problem arises, they are the opinions and values that I trust. But ya know what's funny?? They are my family that I will be spending eternity with. They are the ones that I feel emotionally connected to, that I view relationally, that have been there, that I am connected to.
I'm not sure why this has been rocking my brain the last few days but it definitely has been. But I really think, the overall, people have lost as sense of family because they have lost a sense of value and of faith. But I don't know if anything will really bring that back until Jesus comes back.

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