Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Goal Updates

I was just thinking that it has been some time since I posted "updates" and was thinking about the goals I had set by myself on September 21st - it's nearly two months later and I feel like I have made some progress. When i had posted it, my goals were:
1. Read one psalm a day, and spend 20 minutes with God in the morning
2. Work out for 30 minutes 4 days a week (to start)
3. Only have 2 cups of coffee per day
4. Blog about something God is teaching me once a week
5. Put $200 a month away into savings

So here is where I stand on these goals:
1. I have not read one psalm a day but I have spent at least 20 minutes with God most days
2. When the children have not been sick or when I've not been in meetings I have met my goal of working out for 30 minutes at least 4 times a day. And now that I have started rock climbing I go for a few hours every Monday.
3. I have mostly succeeded at limiting my coffee intake and my caffeine intake in general - of course, minus those few very very long nights
4. I believe I have successfully managed to blog once a week about what I've been learning.
5. And I've put away $150 every month.

So, I may not have met them all, but I believe that I"m making very awesome progress!! I also finished one of the many books I started "Self Talk, Soul Talk" and it was pretty sweet!! I will begin "Bad Girls of the Bible and what we can learn from them" in the up coming weeks and possibly "Just give me Jesus" I woudl also like to pick up a kurt vonnegut book as well - my poor brain might explode and I will love it, in that awesome kind of way!

I'm just very excited about where life has taken me and what God has been teaching me. It has been so beautiful that I don't even think I could put words to it if I tried :)

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